Modern Motherhood

Why I Run

June 3, 2019

“Too many women around the world do not have access to essential maternity care, and more than 800 women a day die from complications related to pregnancy or childbirth. Almost all global maternal deaths are preventable.”

– Every Mother Counts

Many of you know I have enjoyed running these last few months. So much so, that I decided to sign up for my first official running event on Global Running Day (June 5) with a non-profit organization called Every Mother Counts. This organization is working to “Make pregnancy and childbirth safe for every mother, everywhere.” You can learn more about their mission and vision here.

I want to invite you to run the Every Mother Counts Global Running Day Race with me. Distance isn’t an issue because it’s a VIRTUAL RACE. Which means 1) you can complete your miles however and wherever they fit into your day and 2) it’s an opportunity to raise awareness around maternal health by posting a photo of you on running day (on your social media platform of choice) with the hashtags #whyirun #everymothercounts #globalrunningday (tag me too so we can give (virtual) high fives.)

I’m running because I want to help eliminate distance as a barrier to healthcare for mothers around the globe. I’m running because of my son’s birth story, and the moment my water broke at my daughter Nora’s bedside at Children’s Hospital. My husband Tyler and I left Nora in the very capable hands of the 4th floor hospital staff caring for her, to drive all of two minutes to yet another hospital, specifically dedicated to serving women and newborns. Yes, within twenty- four hours, three out of the four members of my family were admitted to a hospital. And the reality is, on that day, we (all) needed quick access to quality and specialized care.

I want every woman in the world to have access to that type of support for herself, and her family throughout pregnancy, labor and delivery and postpartum. So, I’m running a virtual 5K. And, I want you to (virtually) run it with me.

Click here to sign up for the Every Mother Counts Global Running Day Run or click here to make a donation to Every Mother Counts.

Oh, and if you would rather shop than walk or run a 5k (which I totally support), then you can (virtual) shop at Anthropologie and pick up an Every Mother Counts tee shirt here. I love mine! (Thank you Tyler!)

Happy running, walking and shopping!

Grace and Peace,

Jesse Van Leeuwen

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